Piosenka i teledysk otwierający mój projekt UROKI wraz z poetką Jolantą Zarębską. Słowa zaklęte w muzyce lub muzyka zaklęta w słowach, impresja poetycka, piosenka aktorska bądź też osobiste parlando o tym, co wokół nas i w nas... 

WHISPERS - my solo show which had its world premiere on Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2022 and Polish versionn of the show - PODSZEPTY with world premiere during International Festival of Solo Shows in Vilnius, Lithuania 2022. I am co-author of the play, next to Kate Diuk, who is also a director of the performance. Apart from this and acting of course ;) I am author of the soundtrack which I am very excited about. Here's the first official teaser of the play with my music (still thinking about the title for it ;) / all suggestions are warmly welcome :) Enjoy and share your feedback, also, if you like it, subscribe my YT channel, many thanks!

1. Lilije opowiesc na pograniczu swiatow/Lilies a tale between worlds
2. Lilies/Lilije
3. Hanzel and Gretel
4. Dom Rodzinny/ music for the poem by Helena Wyrzykowska
5. The Nixie (worki in progress)
6. Whispers /Podszepty
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